Quality and efficiency of staff are significant contributors to a healthcare organisation's success. The NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission has created a mandatory NDIS Code of Conduct for NDIS service providers/support workers that provide care to the client. It includes NDIS staff certifications.
The Code of Conduct is designed to ensure safe and ethical services and support are provided by support workers to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of the NDIS participants/clients. It aims towards the provision of support and services with care and skill, safely and competently. For special-needs participants, workers must be certified with specific skills to provide quality care. This includes providing support per relevant work health and safety requirements.
Records of certifications and training should be up-to-date, comprehensive, and sufficiently detailed to enable continuity of support. It ensures the participant’s choice and control. Storing staff details and certifications, keeping track of their expiration date and matching them with clients’ needs can become a daunting admin task. Comm.care helps you maintain employee records and best practices within the sector.
Centralise and manage all training certificates and skills:
Managing employee/staff training is critical to a quality organisation. Providing an employee's training record promptly during an audit can sometimes be very challenging.
In Comm.care, training certifications, skills, languages, and personal details can be easily centralised. The system allows you to upload, store, and manage all staff data.
Monitoring the progress and keeping track of the training certificates' expiration dates allow organisations to ensure all the staff are up to date with their training requirements. Certification records enable you to ensure that each employee is trained/skilled to perform the function they are responsible for while conducting the support work.
NDIS Staff Certification
Staff Certifications are mandated in NDIS, which also provides role clarity. With Comm.care’s staff certification feature, one can upload, store, manage and match the certification as per the client’s needs keeping the organisation compliant while providing the best possible care to the client. It allows you to organise all the training essentials, including certifications, qualifications, and training records, in a central repository to remain compliant with internal and external requirements.
Staff Skills
Competent workers meet participant support needs in their role. Who not only hold a valid certification but also have relevant expertise and experience to provide person-centred care.
Comm.care is a secure, cloud-based, comprehensive platform that lets you enter custom skills relevant to participant needs and expertise of the staff for each user, which you can further filter to sort and match correct staff with the client’s requirements.
Digitising all the relevant staff information allows you to practice choice and control, which adds to the potential for workforce mobility. E.g., Skills such as working with challenging behaviours, dealing with mental health, and first aid skills improve with experience. You can enter these skills and match them with the client’s requirements in Comm.care case management software.

With Comm.care's NDIS Staff certification feature, you can:
- Manage compliance training requirements
- Effectively monitor training and skills achievement
- Centralise and manage all staff documents and certifications
- Get complete visibility of staff skills
- Match skills and certifications with client needs
- Monitor certification expiry
- Staff can update their own training documents and skills in their profile.

Ensure your organisation's quality, compliance and improvements with Comm.care, an intuitive, collaborative, cloud-based NDIS software. Book a free demo with us to know more!

Comm.care Team
Comm.care is a comprehensive platform designed to seamlessly streamline care management, invoicing, rostering, and compliance process. Comm.care offers a unified platform for organisations to collaborate with other care institutions and manage care for the elderly, people with disabilities, along with their families and friends.
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