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Everything Training Session

Everything Training Session

This training session is an ask-us-anything, as you set the agenda. We could show you how to create rosters with single or multiple appointments for SIL clients and assign attendees, or go through how to validate staff availability while creating appointments and checking staff hours. We could talk about how to create overnight shifts and charge as per quantity/unit price agreed with the client; or help you understand how to use multiple calendars in by accessing, sharing and notifying staff of their assigned appointments/rosters, or anything else.

Session content:

✔ Create your own agenda for the meeting

✔ Invite your staff

✔ Focus on anything and everything about getting most of

What you will need for the session:

✔ Share some details about your concerns before the session so we can prepare a lesson plan.

Resources you get:

✔ User Guide for each of your staff  

✔ Email with tutorials on tips and tricks regarding your queries

Book a time now!