In, an appointment is an instance when a service is scheduled to be delivered to the client. This video will show you how you can create single and multiple appointments for your clients in
Watch Now!Claims feature in makes it easy for you to generate invoices and send those out to the circles all in bulk in one single click!
Watch Now! provides secure access rights with correct and manageable permissions. This video illustrates on how you can add staff and manage their access for a circle (participant).
Watch Now!Roadmap services in makes it easy to keep an eye on budgets, contract dates and objectives. This video shows how you can add roadmap services to your circles.
Watch Now! allows adding informal users in the circle of care for the collaborative and inclusive person-centred care. This video shows you how you can add a carer, guardian or plan manager to the circle of care and be the claim recipient for the invoices.
Watch Now!Client and user management can be tricky sometimes and makes it easy for the managers to provide multiple levels of access to the staff for the different circles (clients).
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